왕초보 영어스쿨-생활영어, 여행영어,영어공부,영어단어

by sisun



Beginner English School-English Conversation, Living English, Travel English, English Study, English WordEnglish expressions commonly used in everyday life such as English conversation, living English, travel English100% free every day.Beginner English school has no foundation!Those who start English conversation again from the beginning!Everyday English conversation and travel English used in daily lifeEasy to learn and configured to feel free to contact.The start is half.Its not difficult. You dont have to think hard.Frequently used English conversation sentences for beginnersWe will send you every day.CompositionYou can listen to English conversation sentences indefinitely.☞ Life English, Travel English, Quotes English ...☞ Share: Share your English content with friends and acquaintances.☞ locker function: by keeping the necessary content while studyingYou can see it conveniently.If you listen to it repeatedly and repeat it every dayIt will help you in your daily English expression and travel abroad.* Required permissionTo create a profile pictureCamera, save, read permission requestTo follow the paintingMicrophone, save, read permission request